Teaching Materials

Our Goal

Our goal is to provide instructors with everything they need to start teaching argument mapping easily, accessibly, and consistently with other teaching goals, like teaching authentically and inclusively.

If you're interested in using our teaching materials for your course, please

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We've published a six-chapter textbook, With Good Reason: An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Argument mapping, which comes as a download with an Argumentation.io subscription. You can also order it at your university bookstore and we can include an Argumentation.io subscription code with it. Students can similarly purchase a book/app subscription bundle through Perusall. Learn more

Accessible Teaching Quickstart Guide

We've written a quickstart guide to help instructors teach argument mapping accessibly. It provides tips on how to use Argumentation.io to make your course accessible, give accessible leactures, create accessible instructional videos, and more. We'll happy to share this guide with instructors by request.

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Course materials

We have teaching slides and assignments prompts covering all aspects of argument mapping with Argumentation.io. They pair ideally with our textbook, , but they can also be used along with other books or materials.

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